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Lansing Urgent Care is dedicated to providing excellence in care and service to our patients and their families. Please click on the 'Patient Experience Survey' button if you are interested in sharing your thoughts and feedback about our company and its services. We take your feedback to heart and sincerely appreciate your time and input!

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Open 24/7

Frandor Office

505 N. Clippert St
Lansing, MI 48912

Ph: (517) 999-2273

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Okemos Office

Current Wait: min

2289 W Grand River
Okemos, MI 48864

Ph: (517) 999-2273

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Westside Office

Current Wait: min

4440 W Saginaw Hwy
Lansing, MI 48917

Ph: (517) 999-2273

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Southside Office

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320 E. Jolly Road
Lansing, MI 48910

Ph: (517) 999-2273

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DeWitt Office

Current Wait: min

12970 US Hwy 27
DeWitt MI 48820

Ph: (517) 999-2273

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Bath/Haslett Office

Current Wait: min

16945 Marsh Rd
Haslett, MI 48840

Ph: (517) 999-2273

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132 S Cedar St
Mason, MI 48854

Ph: (517) 999-2273

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Grand Ledge

Current Wait: min

886 East Saginaw Hwy
Grand Ledge, MI 48837

Ph: (517) 999-2273

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